
Dayport is one of the City’s residential districts. Given the name, it was probably a more industrialized port at one time; at present, however, the district’s inhabitants consist primarily of members of all social classes with a high concentration of guildsmen and nobles, a stark contrast to the Docks.

Dayport is divided into the North and South. Angelwatch was located in Northern Dayport, near the end of Grandmauden Road. Castle Carlysle and Cullen’s Keep are located here, along with the Dayport Trader’s Bank.

Southern Dayport is primarily residential, with such homes as Castle Van Vernon, the Shemenov Estate, the Fieldstone Estate, and the Astronomer’s Workshop. This was also the location of the Dayport Belltower.

This district offers many shortcuts and hideouts for those who would seek them out. The tight streets and tall buildings allow for easy rooftop traversal, and a highly-skilled prowler can move through Dayport without ever touching the streets or attracting the attention of the City Watch.

Known Locations

  • Angelwatch
  • Castle Carlysle
  • Castle Van Vernon
  • Cullen’s Keep
  • Shemenoy Estate
  • Fieldstone Estate
  • Dayport Trader’s Bank
  • Astronomer’s Workshop
  • Belltower

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