My vision for a modern Thief game

Imagine for a moment that the Thief reboot released in 2014 was an entirely different stealth IP, and that we haven’t seen a new Thief title since Deadly Shadows in 2004. And in this alternate timeline, several former Thief developers all reunite under the banner of a new company: Spyglass Studios.

Thief IV Mockup

They announce that the Thief franchise is emerging from the shadows once more with the fourth entry in the series, Dagger of Ways.
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Community Member Spotlight: PaulWrites

Hey everyone. This is the fifth in a series of interviews with key community members. For this spotlight, I talked with writer and Thief fan Paul Holland.

How did you find out about Thief?

I was a high school freshman in 2000. My friend had played the first game’s demo disc (I never did) two years earlier and had been talking about Thief non-stop ever since. I really wanted to play it, but our PC was ancient and couldn’t handle it, so I got into the game later.

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