Community Member Spotlight: Aemanyl

Hey everyone. This is the third in a series of interviews with key community members. For this spotlight, I talked with poet and Thief fan Aemanyl.

How did you find out about Thief?

It was a cold and dark late afternoon, sometime in November or December of 1999. My older sister invited a few of her classmates to our home and they were playing several computer games. I was only four years old back then, so I was just passively watching without touching the keyboard.

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Community Member Spotlight: TheEyeOfStone

Greetings taffers. This is the second in a series of interviews with key community members. For this spotlight, I spoke with YouTuber and resident Thief expert TheEyeOfStone.

How did you find out about Thief?

I discovered both the original game and its sequel in the summer of 2000. My Dad bought a new sound card and back in those days they would be bundled with several recent games. So we got the card installed and I noticed that there were some game discs and one of them had a black and blue guy with a bow on it. That’s how I found out about Thief: The Dark Project.

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