
Beasts are a diverse group, including both wild animals and human-like hybrid creatures that will brandish tooth and claw when confronted by an opponent. Many ally themselves with the Pagans, and as such they’re often found in sewers, caves, or just beyond the safety of the City walls.


While most Beasts aren’t as smart as other enemies, they make up for it with speed and tenacity. Groups of Burricks and Spiders can easily overwhelm an unsuspecting intruder, and the ferocity of the grotesque hybrids is unmatched.


Beasts are usually susceptible to the same weapons and tactics as Humans. They can be knocked out with the Blackjack or a Gas Bomb, slain with a Blade, or killed with a well-aimed Arrow. Explosives will also take them out, but aren’t always advisable due to the commotion they create.

I. Treebeasts
II. Apebeasts
III. Ratbeasts
IV. Bugbeasts
V. Craymen
VI. Burricks
VII. Spiders


Treebeasts resemble large walking trees, and despite their considerable bulk can move surprisingly quickly. To make matters worse, their gnarled limbs are capable of decimating an enemy in a few blows. The best method for dispatching them is often to deploy an Explosive Mine in their path.


Among the Trickster’s many minions are the Apebeasts, ape-like monsters that can communicate and wield conventional weaponry. They rely on sight and smell to locate foes and can be identified by their loud, shuffling gait.


Ratbeasts walk upright but possess the appearance of a large rat. They can often be seen hunched over, sniffing for intruders. Upon discovering one, they’ll stand to their full height and attack with their sharp claws.


Bugbeasts resemble large bipedal mantises. When confronted they release swarms of small insects which can sting their target at an alarming rate. The creatures emit a loud screech even when knocked out silently and their bodies are too heavy to be moved, making it best to avoid them when possible.


Craymen are crab-like creatures that walk upright and possess enormous pincers instead of hands. They appear to communicate using a series of clicking noises and walk with a slow shuffle. Like Bugbeasts, their bodies cannot be transported after being killed or knocked out.


Burricks are a strange cross between a reptile and mammal that live in tunnels they’ve hollowed out using the their acidic breath. They also use it to defend themselves, as a wounded Burrick will often fill the area with these gaseous fumes before retreating to find others of its kind.


Spiders can be found in cellars, caves, and abandoned buildings. They range in size from small to large and can move fairly quickly. Though their bites are far from lethal, a group of them can inflict serious harm if left unchecked.

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