
Humans are the most ubiquitous enemy Garrett will encounter as they are found in every part of the City. Most are simple commoners, criminals, or mercenaries but some possess greater cunning or magical prowess.


Humans are numerous, intelligent, and can deliver damage quickly regardless of the weapon they wield. What truly makes them dangerous though, is their ability to coordinate searches and attacks with allies. Whenever you see one Guard, rest assured there are likely more nearby.


Humans can be slain with Blades, Arrows, and Explosive Mines, though it’s often to Garrett’s advantage to opt for a stealthier approach. This is where the Blackjack, Gas Arrows, and Gas Bombs excel at dispatching human enemies. Rely on them as much as you can.

I. Thugs
II. Guards
III. City Watch
IV. Hammerites
V. Mechanists
VI. Pagans
VII. Mages


Thugs will quickly resort to violence if caught committing a crime or otherwise antagonized. Most can be seen wearing dark clothing and a hood or bandana. Others will appear no different than an average commoner. All of them, however, carry weapons and know how to use them. It’s often best to avoid them entirely if you’re able.


Guards are privately hired mercenaries often found defending estates, museums, banks, and other establishments in need of protection. They can usually be seen wielding a blade or bow and will investigate any strange disturbances. Most are paid by the hour, though some collect a commission for any intruders caught while on duty.

City Watch

Watch officers are the City’s main form of law enforcement, patrolling its shadowed streets to thwart would-be criminals. In addition to their standard sword or bow, during Truart’s time as Sheriff some officers wore steel helmets which protected them from being blackjacked. Since the Watch tends to dispense its own justice, conflict with them is best avoided.

Variants: Swordsman, Archer


Hammers are easily identified by their trademark red tunics, silver chainmail, and massive sledge hammers. They are all trained not only in the arts of smithing and construction but also in combat. Each Brother, regardless of role, is a formidable fighter.

Hammerite Priests are able to bless their allies, making them impervious to attacks for a short time. These spells can be used to your advantage provided you intercept them before they hit their intended target. In addition, stealing their wand renders them harmless.

Variants: Novice, Soldier, Priest


Mechanists exchanged their hammers for maces. Lighter yet just as lethal, this allows them to swing faster and strike harder. In addition, some members carry crossbows that can fire bolts at great speed. Their Priests are also to be feared, using their magic to dispatch the order’s enemies.

Variants: Servant, Soldier, Priest


Pagans may not wield the most advanced weaponry, but they’re not to be taken lightly. Many take up blade or bow to protect their sanctuaries with religious fervor. Any outsider who dares enter their territory will soon find themselves facing several armed and angry Pagan warriors.

Pagan Shamans can also bless their allies. Their nature magic grants the target increased speed and health and can be intercepted if your timing is right. In addition, stealing their wand renders them harmless.

Variants: Villager, Warrior, Shaman


Mages of the Hand Brotherhood practice magic based on the four elements. Fire mages, for instance, are able to walk through lava without harm and can hurl flaming projectiles. The other elemental abilities are of a similar vein. Exercise extreme caution when dealing with them.

Variants: Fire, Earth, Air, Water

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