
Undead enemies are the reanimated remains of those once human, appearing as either ghostly spirits like Apparitions and Wisps or rotting corpses like Zombies or Haunts. They’re usually summoned by practitioners of necromancy or disturbance of their burial grounds.


Undead activity is usually an imminent threat as they tend to wander in groups and are difficult foes in combat. They never flee, are resistant to conventional weaponry like blades and arrows, and are immune to gas.


Almost all Undead abominations are vulnerable to Holy Water, Flash Bombs, Fire Arrows, and Explosive Mines. Lacking these items, they can also be slain with a blade if you’re willing to risk getting in close.

I. Zombies
II. Haunts
III. Puppets
IV. Apparitions
V. Will O’ Wisps


Zombies are rotting cadavers reanimated through necromancy. Upon sighting an intruder, they’ll shamble towards them and attack with unrivaled ferocity. They can also be found laying on the ground as if dead until they’re disturbed. For this reason you should be careful approaching any seemingly lifeless corpse while in zombie-infested areas.


Haunts can be identified by their tattered Hammerite garb and skeletal visage. They’re faster and deadlier than Zombies, guarding their fallen brethren with the same religious zealotry they possessed in life.

Unlike most Undead enemies, Haunts can be killed more easily with a blade, provided they’re caught unaware and are stabbed from behind.


Puppets are the resurrected inmates that roam the Shalebridge Cradle’s long abandoned halls. The flickering of electric lights can reveal their positions, allowing Garrett to avoid them whenever possible.

Should they detect him, they’ll scream and attack with their caged hands. And like Zombies, Puppets can lie dormant only to rise up and attack should an opponent get too close to them.


Apparitions are disembodied phantoms that glide around while mumbling nonsensical gibberish. They can be difficult to spot in dark areas due to their translucence, and all possess the ability to launch ghostly projectiles. Due to their ethereal forms, they cannot be harmed with blades or arrows.

Will O’ Wisps

Will O’ Wisps are floating balls of light that, while not posing any kind of direct threat, emit a glow which illuminates the area around them. They’re rumored to be the guardian spirits of deceased Pagans, while common legend holds that they’re actually the souls of lost children.

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