Explosive Mine

Explosive Mines are small mechanical devices that detonate when walked upon or when shot with certain arrows.


  • Deals considerable damage to almost every enemy
  • Can be placed strategically
  • Blows up explosive barrels
  • Lights or relights torches and fireplaces (TDS)


Though often compared to a static Fire Arrow, Explosive Mines have a much larger blast radius and don’t require precision to use effectively. After being placed, they emit a distinct ticking noise when armed.

Enemies in their proximity will often hear them and immediately investigate its source, in most cases leading them to their doom. They can also be activated by a well-aimed Broadhead or Fire Arrow.

Be warned though, as the explosion they generate is loud and can attract the unwanted attention of other enemies who may investigate the disturbance.

And perhaps most importantly, remember where you place them. Garrett can set them off accidentally just as easily as an enemy if you’re not careful where you step.

In Thief II: The Metal Age, he can actually disarm them using his lockpicks if you’re willing to get close enough to retrieve one.

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