Flash Bomb

Flash Bombs are harmless explosives that temporarily blind nearby enemies.


  • Blinds most enemies for 6-7 seconds (TDP, TMA)
  • Blinds most enemies for 10 seconds (TDS)
  • Damages Undead enemies


When thrown, Flash Bombs emit an intensely bright light which will blind nearby enemies who are looking towards the explosion.

Blind enemies are also conveniently vulnerable to being blackjacked regardless of their alertness, at which point you can knock them out with a single blow from any direction.

This means that even if Garrett has been discovered and is under attack, the enemy can be blinded and then knocked out. Furthermore, if the flash blinds multiple enemies they can all be knocked out while attempting to recover.

In Thief: The Dark Project the flash doesn’t affect Garrett, but in Thief II: The Metal Age it can blind him for a few seconds if he’s facing the flash.

The vulnerability of the Undead to bright light makes Flash Bombs an essential item when traveling in haunted areas. They take 10 points of damage if they’re close to the center of the detonation and less damage if they’re farther away.

Four bombs will dissipate Apparitions while Haunts can be defeated by only two. While downed by two Flash Bombs, Zombies will enter a dormant state after which they can reanimate if disturbed. If you can spare it, use a final flash to permanently destroy them.

In Thief: Deadly Shadows, enemies don’t need to look directly at the explosion and can even be blinded if the bomb is detonated behind them. The blind effect is also prolonged, but the ability to Blackjack blind enemies was removed, and they will instantly refocus upon being struck.

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