Moss Arrow

Moss Arrows are elemental arrows that cover an area in earthy moss which silences footsteps and other noises on loud surfaces.


  • Covers the ground with a soft, noise-cancelling moss
  • Infuses Pagan cocoons and cornerstones (TDS)
  • Chokes Human enemies (TDS)
  • Destroys the Air anchor of a Maw portal (TDP)


Moss Arrows may only have a few uses, but can be invaluable in certain situations. When they hit their target the elemental crystal shatters and disperses moss around the point of impact. It takes a short time to finish spreading, but eventually creates an area that muffles footfall.

Even though the patches of moss may look scattered, the whole area will be silenced which means there’s no need to jump precisely from one to the other.

Ideal placement of a Moss Arrow requires identifying which surfaces are loud and which are quiet. Metal and tile are loudest, followed by stone and wood, and finally carpet and grass.

Therefore they’re best used on a metal or tile floor in a patrolled area, deployed in locations that allow silent traversal from one end to the other.

They can, however, sometimes work against Garrett. While they soften his footsteps and can help him remain undetected, they also soften an enemy’s footsteps. This can lead to inadvertently being discovered by an enemy that has wandered silently through a moss patch.

And lastly, in Thief: Deadly Shadows, they can be used to choke an enemy provided you shoot them in the head. They’ll cough and gag for around 10 seconds, giving Garrett time to hide or evade them. Also new to this game is the ability to expand the moss patches by shooting them with a Water Arrow.

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