City Watch

“In a short time we have nearly cleared the City of the criminal element that has plagued her for so long.”

The Watch represents the law within the City. While the Baron marches to war with his battle-hardened military force, he leaves the oversight of his rule inside the City to the Watch Sheriff and his officers who are responsible for keeping crime at bay and arresting law breakers.

City Watch Station

I. Origins
II. Modern History
III. Hierarchy
IV. Armaments
V. Places of Interest
IV. Persons of Interest


Before the City Watch was the institution seen in Thief II: the Metal Age under Sheriff Truart’s command, the only ones enforcing the law were the Baron’s Police, an organization rife with corruption. Many of its members would receive regular bribes and kickbacks from the Downwind Thieves’ Guild.

The Hammers also had more of a direct role in law enforcement during this period. When Artemus caught young Garrett trying to snatch his purse, he pleads with Artemus not to turn him over to them.

A letter between Warden Ramirez and Commissioner DeNavan confirms that the Baron’s Police sent their prisoners to Cragscleft Prison.

Modern History

Once Truart was apppointed Sheriff, he made a number of sweeping changes to the organization. Women were hired, new technology was deployed, a code system was introduced, stations were cleaned up, autopsy labs were built, and dedicated divisions were created to combat specific types of crime.

Corruption was still a problem though, as some Wardens would be prosecuted more than others, evidence would go missing, and Truart himself would indulge in prostitution.

Many of these additions were implemented alongside the rise of the Mechanists, such as new surveillance and street patrolling technology. After the fall of Karras, the Watch lost much of what Truart introduced.

Some improvements like divisions, reports, city-wide cohesion, and others remained but things like the Mechanist technology and female officers were gone by the time of Thief: Deadly Shadows.

City Watch Officers


The head of the City Watch is the current Sheriff. He is the institution’s spokesman and has a higher authority with warrants, orders, etc.

Next are his first and second Lieutenants serving as his main advisers. After them are the leaders of the different departments like Narcotics, Robbery, and Homicide. Next are the Sergeants who command the individual officers responsible for patrols, raids, and arrests.

During Thief: Deadly Shadows, officers will occasionally mention Captains, but their exact rank is unknown. A dialogue between two guards from the Docks implies that they can confiscate potential dangerous objects from other factions and perform investigations.


Though Watch facilities were modernized, their methods of holding prisoners and extracting information remain archaic.

Watchmen still use swords and bows, but utilized Mechanist Watchers and Turrets while Karras was popular. They were later removed when the Mechanists fell.

Places of Interest

The Watch has numerous stations, prisons, and checkpoints throughout the City. Some of the more notable locations they control are listed below.

  • Pavelock Prison
  • Shoalsgate Station
  • Truart Estate

Persons of Interest