The Builder

“In the beginning we stole fur and fang of beasts for survival. Then came the Builder who brought us the Hammer, and with it we forged a new way of life.”

The Builder is the principal deity of the Order of the Hammer and its offshoot, the Order of the Gear. He is the god of innovation and order and is the primary force opposing the Trickster, the god of nature and chaos.

The Hammerite Book of Tenets was based on his deeds and is the main source of laws and rules for the Order. To them, the symbol of the Hammer is synonymous with the Builder and all he stands for.

According to the Hammerites, the Builder taught early humans to craft the hammer and other tools so that they could protect themselves from the dangers of the natural world and use technology to build a civilization.

His doctrine taught that nature should be used as a resource for crafting material benefits, such as the advancement of civilization and the construction of factories and other buildings.

Blindly following this doctrine to its extreme can be dangerous, however, as its followers may be led to destroy the entirety of nature, including mankind. This was demonstrated by Karras, who, seeking the Builder’s favor, attempted to destroy all biological life in Thief II: The Metal Age.

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