
“It is our duty to remain apart – secret – invisible. To become part of the City would exert influences.”

The Keepers were once a mysterious order of scribes and scholars that secretly influenced the balance of power in the City using magical glyphs. Few knew of their existence or their fall into ruin.

I. Overview
II. Origins
III. Modern History
IV. Hierarchy
V. Armaments
VI. Role within the City
VII. Places of Interest
VIII. Persons of Interest


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Modern History

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Leadership of the organization was entrusted to the Keeper Council and headed by the First Keeper. Its senior members included the Elders, Master Scribes, and Glyph Wardens, all of whom would convene to discuss and vote on critical matters.

Prior to the vote, the case would be outlined, various members could voice their points of view, and then the First Keeper would call the final vote.

Other roles within the order included Initiates, the rank of those still in training, and Enforcers, the order’s enigmatic operatives.


Most Keepers wore little more than simple robes or leather jerkins and those tasked with guard duty could be seen wielding a sword or dagger. Given their staunch neutrality and dedication to more scholarly pursuits, they weren’t known for their combat prowess or martial discipline.

Though the Keepers rarely engaged directly in the City’s many conflicts, they were far from powerless. When they deemed a situation dire enough they would unleash their Enforcers, an elite group sent to complete dangerous tasks that only answered to the First Keeper.

Initiates who chose to become Enforcers must have mastered all other forms of Keeper weaponry, stealth training, and glyph magic. Before the title was given to them, initiates’ names were recorded in the Book of the Names after which they were never spoken of again.

And finally, special glyphs were placed on their bodies in order to augment their awareness and empower them with telepathy, their only remaining form of communication.

They also served as lethal assassins, such as when they hunted down Garrett after he escaped his trial in Thief: Deadly Shadows.

Role Within the City

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Places of Interest

Given the secrecy with which they operated, the Keeper’s domains were kept hidden. Despite this, the locations detailed below are now public knowledge.

  • Keeper Compound
  • Keeper Library
  • Keeper Chapel (Abandoned)
  • Stonemarket Hideout

Persons of Interest