First Keeper Orland

“The glyph’s draw has been too powerful. Once we used them to be Keepers of the City. But now what do we keep safe?”

First Keeper Orland was a Keeper elder that eventually became the leader of the order in Thief: Deadly Shadows. His leadership proved officious, bureaucratic, and secretive, and for these reasons Garrett disliked him.

I. Overview
II. Relationships
III. Abilities


Orland first appeared in Thief II: The Metal Age. He was quite pedantic about the Keeper’s rules and took his position as First Keeper very seriously, both because he was proud of his position and because of his rather rigid nature.

He could be an arrogant man even in times of great peril, and as a result some Keepers suspected him of putting his own interests ahead of the order’s.


It is clear from their interactions that Garrett and Orland had a history, though Orland never seemed to trust Garrett and considered him to be unworthy of being a Keeper. In various situations Orland put serious obstacles in Garrett’s way.

Aside from Garrett, Orland tended to put trust in people that were close to him. He was easily manipulated by the Hag who was simply sending him notes signed with Caduca’s initial. He was also partial to jumping to conclusions, as he immediately accused Garrett of Caduca’s murder without any evidence to substantiate such a claim.

However at the end of Thief: Deadly Shadows when it became painfully clear that Garrett was innocent and the Hag was the real danger, Orland reluctantly accepted reality and did his best to lead the remaining Keepers.


Orland seems to be adapt at scrying. He also alludes to his past Keeper stealth training but is doubtful he still possesses such skills.

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