
“Manfools fleshes breaks and bleeds, and them Leafy Lord risers again.”

The Order of the Vine — commonly referred to as Pagans (named this more as a people or culture, not a derogatory term), represent the human faction aligned with the forces of nature and chaos in the Thief world.

Pagan Shaman

I. Overview
II. Origins
III. Language
IV. Hierarchy
V. Armaments
VI. Role within the City
VII. Places of Interest
VIII. Persons of Interest


Pagans are anarchists who worship a deity known as the Trickster. They emphasize a strong connection with nature and generally disdain societal progress and technological advancement.

This has put them at direct odds with the Order of the Hammer, and the two groups have fought each other for centuries. Pagans can usually be found on the outskirts of the City or hidden within it, and are known to have both humans and beastmen within their ranks.


The Order of the Vine is generally agreed to be the oldest organization in existence, with stories passed down by Pagan shamans stating that it was formed when the first humans set foot on earth.

Before becoming civilized, humans lived among the forests for shelter, clothed in animal skins and possessing rudimentary tools made of wood or bone. It is in these days that the Pagans claim the Trickster walked among them and gave them the gift of fire.

According to Pagan legend, however, the gift of fire changed mankind. Early humans learned to fear the creatures of the forest and began to group together for safety. As these groups grew, those who lived in the forests became fewer. Eventually, as the groups became villages and villages became towns, those that still served the Trickster became the minority.

Instead mankind began worshiping the Builder – the god of innovation and progress. At first the two groups maintained some small interaction, but as time progressed the rift between them grew.

Pagan Forest

Despite the progression of their civilized cousins, the Pagans remained much as they always were. Throughout the ages they have witnessed the rise and fall of many societies yet have never chosen to join them. Even now, Pagans prefer the outskirts of civilization or to remain hidden altogether.

Modern Pagans have embraced the use of fire, but only in regards to light and warmth. They also refuse to learn the arts of metal-crafting or construction. As a result, Pagan encampments usually consist of basic huts and hovels or use the ruins of previously constructed buildings.


Details of Pagan life are largely based on stories and legends passed down through the generations since they don’t maintain written records of past events. They have been known to scrawl prayers and other religious writings within the their encampments though, usually on walls or animal hide.

They speak in a broken, English pidgin. Words are often ended in ‘s’ or ‘ie’. The vocabulary is based on nature; their songs, poems and sayings revolving around trees, leaves, and animals.

Pagans have also developed their own slang. “Woodsies” is a mild oath, “sapped” is their term for killed, “cityhead” for civilized people, “hammerhead” for the Hammerites, “sneaksie” for thieves, and “manfool” for non-believers. Beasts will sometimes refer to humans as “manflesh”.


The Order of the Vine has no formal hierarchy. Rather, every adult member of the Order is given responsibility and authority over some aspect of Pagan society. The only exceptions to this have been their leaders. Prior to his death, the Order was lead by the Trickster himself.

The wood nymph known as Viktoria acted as the Trickster’s eyes and ears within the City in addition to his other Pagan agents. It is now known that she was also his friend and confidante, leading some to speculate about a closer relationship between them.

After the events of the Dark Project and the Trickster’s subsequent death, Viktoria lead the Pagans and chose a priestess named Dyan as her second-in-command. Throughout the Metal Age, Viktoria trained Dyan and took her in as a friend and assistant. While preparing for open war with the Mechanists, a man named Larkspur was placed in charge of what can loosely be called the Pagan military.

This warband was never loosed upon the enemy, however, due to the intervention of Garrett. Once allied with Viktoria and the Pagans, Garrett allowed for a more subtle fight against the Mechanists. Despite his presence, however, Viktoria still ended up laying siege to Soulforge Cathedral which resulted in her death.

In the time since her passing, the Pagans have been lead by Dyan. She tends to be compassionate and is usually willing to negotiate when it means sparing lives. That said, she will do whatever is necessary to ensure the continuation and survival of her people and their way of life.



Pagans do not wear armor or even an excess of clothing. Their men wear only what modesty dictates while their women wear simple dresses.

Some have been known to adorn themselves with horns, bones, or animal hides, but this is more for decoration than protection. Of course, the Order of the Vine also includes beastmen who possess natural defenses.

The primitive lifestyle of the Pagans extends to their weaponry as well. Human Pagan warriors often carry swords, clubs, or bows while their shamans wield wands. Non-humans rely on either human-made weaponry or their teeth and claws.

Role Within the City

Pagan CampThe Pagans have very little interaction with the City, and when they do it’s usually without most knowing about it.

As such, they rarely contribute to the City’s economy but have supplied herbs and plants to those who know where to find them. They do not deal in coin though, preferring to barter instead.

Pagans do not openly attempt to spread their religious teachings either, allowing those curious to seek them out. Even then, the Order must be wary of spies sent by the Hammerites and City Watch.

And lastly, unlike the Hammerite Order, Pagans have very little interest in the judicial affairs of the City. Within their own territories, crime is dealt with swiftly and intruders are typically killed on sight. Any exceptions to this rule have been handled by Dyan or her predecessors.

Places of Interest

Pagans are a cautious lot and tend to hide their territories even from those they call allies. As such, only their public sanctuaries (such as the Audale Park) or those which have been described by Garrett have been identified.

And unlike Hammerite facilities, Pagan camps usually serve whatever need is required and are not dedicated to a specific purpose or function.

  • Constantine’s Mansion
  • Docks Sanctuary
  • Auldale Park
  • South Quarter Sewers
  • Downtowne Ruins
  • Forest Village (Outside City)

Persons of Interest